Japan Emperor Visits Japan House London, Meets Japanese People Living in Britain

Pool photo / The Yomiuri Shimbun
The Emperor listens to an explanation about products from Ishikawa Prefecture at the shop in the Japan House London on Sunday.

LONDON — The Emperor visited the Japan House London, an overseas hub established by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on Sunday as part of his official visit to Britain. The Emperor enjoyed viewing a special exhibition introducing Japanese designs at the facility, which showcases and communicates Japanese culture.

Pool photo / The Yomiuri Shimbun
The Emperor views an exhibit at the Japan House London on Sunday.

Among the exhibits selected by seven Japanese creators, was a uniform for Japan’s national rugby team. Hearing an explanation that the uniform was designed three dimensionally to fit the players’ physiques, the Emperor looked surprised, saying, “3-D?”

The Emperor later returned to his hotel where he met and chatted with Japanese people living in Britain and British people with connections to Japan.

“There’s a very good concert hall in Birmingham, isn’t there?” the Emperor said to conductor Kazuki Yamada, 45, who serves as the music director of the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra.

Also in attendance was Prof. Arthur Stockwin, 88, of the University of Oxford. When the Emperor was studying at Oxford during his youth, he attended Stockwin’s seminar and had dinner with him. The Emperor looked happy and told the professor that he was very glad to see him again.

The Empress refrained from attending events and stayed at the hotel on Sunday following doctor’s orders. According to the Imperial Household Agency, she is a bit tired from all the trip preparations and the long flight.