47 Countries to Take Part in 2025 Osaka-Kansai Expo with Premium Pavilions; 20% Fewer than Initial Estimate

Yomiuri Shimbun file photo
Participants in a Grand Roof construction observation tour gather on the ring-shaped roof at the 2025 Osaka-Kansai Expo site in Osaka on June 30.

Just 47 countries have decided to construct their own pavilions for the 2025 Osaka-Kansai Expo, according to the Japan Association for the 2025 World Exposition. The number is about 20% fewer than the initial estimate of 60.

Some countries that were initially planning to build Type A pavilions, which are designed and built by the countries themselves, will change their plans to using pavilions constructed by Japan.

Type A pavilions are known for their creative exterior designs and are sometimes dubbed “flowers of expos.”

However, the time to prepare pavilions for the 2025 Expo was effectively shortened by one year due to the Dubai Expo’s postponement amid the coronavirus pandemic.

In addition, finding construction companies to build pavilions in time has proved difficult for participating countries because of increases in the cost of materials and labor.

To speed up construction, the Expo association asked participating countries in August last year if they would use Type X pavilions, a simpler kind built by the association on their behalf.

The association also encouraged the countries to consider using Type C pavilions provided by the association.

The countries were asked to reply to the association by the end of June.

According to sources close to the association, a tally compiled earlier this month shows that the association is positive that 47 countries are capable of taking part in the Expo with Type A pavilions, for which construction companies have been appointed, either officially or unofficially.

Five countries, including Brazil and Angola, have decided to use Type X pavilions, while seven countries, including Slovenia, will use Type C pavilions.

Mexico, Russia and Argentina have pulled out from the Expo, citing deteriorating finances or other reasons.

However, Colombia and the Vatican have newly decided to participate in the Expo with Type A pavilions.