NHK Party Leader Receives Police Warning on Election Poster; Putting up Ads of Adult Entertainment Business on Poster Board

Yomiuri Shimbun file photo
NHK Party Leader Takashi Tachibana

The Tokyo Metropolitan Police issued a verbal warning on Saturday to NHK Party leader Takashi Tachibana on suspicion of posting ads for an adult entertainment business on an election poster board for the Tokyo gubernatorial election.

According to investigators, the party placed 24 posters advertising an adult entertainment business for women on an election poster board in Shibuya Ward, Tokyo. The posters contained a picture of a young man and a QR code that would connect to the man’s social networking page.

Police concluded that the posters violated the Adult Entertainment Business Law, which regulates the advertising of adult entertainment businesses. Following the warning, the party had replaced the posters by Saturday night.

Police also issued a warning to another candidate on Thursday for violating a Tokyo anti-nuisance ordinance by putting up posters showing a nearly nude woman.