Ice Sculptures Light up River Bank in Japan’s Hokkaido; Models to Stay on Display Until March 9

The Yomiuri Shimbun
Visitors are seen at the venue of the Ice Fall Festival in Kamikawa, Hokkaido.

SAPPORO — About 30 ice sculptures were lit up in seven different colors, making them stand out along the banks of the Ishikari River, at the Ice Fall Festival in Kamikawa, Hokkaido, on Saturday.

The sculptures, which included a Western-style building and a slide, were made by pouring water over frameworks. The building, measuring about 13 meters high and 80 meters wide, was the main attraction, featuring a large staircase at its front. A chair made of ice was also inside.

The event runs through March 9, and will include a fireworks display every evening starting at 8:30 p.m.