Mother Arrested for Allegedly Inflicting Injury Resulting in Death of 2-year-old Son in Fujisawa

The Yomiuri Shimbun
Mei Tashiro is transferred to Fujisawa Kita Police Station in Kanagawa Prefecture on Tuesday.

YOKOHAMA — A 27-year-old woman was arrested on suspicion of inflicting injury resulting in the death of her 2-year-old son at their home in Fujisawa, Kanagawa Prefecture, police said.

The Kanagawa prefectural police believe that Mei Tashiro repeatedly abused her son, Sora, who had multiple bruises on his body.

Tashiro, whose occupation is unknown, is suspected of assaulting Sora around April 22 last year, resulting in his death the following day from an intracranial injury due to a head contusion, according to the police.

The police quoted the suspect as saying, “I do not agree,” denying the allegation.

Tashiro allegedly dialed 119 to get an ambulance for her son. After Sora died, the hospital contacted the prefectural police, and they began an investigation.

She told the police, “I called 119 because my son got sick,” according to investigators.

The police concluded that it was a criminal case based on the findings of several medical specialists who believed the intracranial injuries were the result of intentional violence.

Based on the conditions at the home, the police strongly believe Tashiro was the only person who could have assaulted the child.

In addition to a head contusion, Sora had several bruises on his body that the police believe were the result of assault.

According to a child consultation center in Hiratsuka, Kanagawa Prefecture, Sora was placed in an infant home until March 25 last year based on the center’s concerns of possible neglect after his birth.

After the child was returned home on April 2, the center said its officials were not able to meet with Tashiro.

“We do not think there were any problems in the way we handled the situation, but we will study the matter,” an official at the center said.