Plum Blossoms Bloom Later than Usual in Kanagawa Pref. City Grove; Cold, Drizzly Weather Behind Delay

The Yomiuri Shimbun
People stroll in the Soga Bairin plum grove in Odawara, Kanagawa Prefecture, on Sunday.

People enjoy taking in the sight of peak-bloom plum blossoms in the Soga Bairin plum grove in Odawara, Kanagawa Prefecture, on Sunday. About 35,000 plum trees stand in the grove, where early blossoming varieties such as Juro have already reached full bloom. Plums harvested in the grove are used to make umeboshi dried plums and umeshu plum wine. According to a local tourist association, the trees began blossoming about 10 days later than the average year due to cold and drizzly weather. The best time to view the blossoms will continue through early March.