Torrential Rain Expected in Southern Japan; Meteorological Agency Issues Warnings for Southern Kyushu, Shikoku, Tokai Regions

The Yomiuri Shimbun
People walk in torrential rain in Kagoshima on Tuesday morning.

A wide area of western Japan experienced heavy rain on Tuesday morning due to a low-pressure system and a frontal boundary. The Japan Meteorological Agency announced on the morning that there is a chance of linear rainbands, which cause torrential rain, forming in seven prefectures in southern Kyushu, Shikoku and Tokai regions. Eastern Japan is also expected to see heavy rainfall, and people are urged to stay alert for landslides and river flooding.

According to the agency, the total 12-hour rainfall accumulation by 9 a.m. Tuesday reached 219.5 millimeters in Ebino, Miyazaki Prefecture, and 187.5 millimeters in Satsumasendai, Kagoshima Prefecture.

The prefectures where linear rainbands may develop on Tuesday are Kagoshima, Miyazaki, Tokushima, Kochi, Gifu, Shizuoka and Aichi prefectures.

Meanwhile, the powerful Typhoon Ewiniar is expected to approach Okinawa Prefecture’s Minami-Daito Island on Wednesday, and heavy rain is expected in the area.