Ex-PM Yoshihiko Noda Announces Candidacy for CDPJ Leadership Race

The Yomiuri Shimbun
Former Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda speaks about his candidacy in Narashino, Chiba Prefecture, on Thursday.

Former Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda on Thursday officially announced his candidacy for the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan’s leadership election to be held on Sept. 23.

The official campaign period will start on Sept. 7.

“I have decided to run in the election. I aim to become a prime minister again,” Noda, 67, said before reporters in Narashino, Chiba Prefecture. “My role is to plot a course to bring the CDPJ back to power, and I have a great responsibility to do so.”

Regarding cooperation with the Japanese Communist Party, Noda said, “We cannot be in the same government although a relationship that allows us to have dialogue with the JCP is necessary.”

Noda expressed a negative view in relation to calls within his party for a reduction of the consumption tax rate. “The basic idea is not to carelessly cut the tax rate, but to maintain the status quo,” he said.

Noda was initially cautious about running in the election but is believed to have decided to do so amid growing expectations within the party owing to his extensive political experience.

Having served as finance minister during the administration led by the Democratic Party of Japan, the CDPJ’s predecessor, Noda then served as the prime minister from September 2011 to December 2012.

The Diet in August 2012 enacted legislation for integrated reform of the social security and tax systems, including an increase of the consumption tax in two stages to 10%. The bills were passed with support mainly from three parties — the then ruling DPJ, the Liberal Democratic Party and Komeito.

However, the DPJ suffered a crushing defeat in the House of Representatives election in December 2012 and became an opposition party, generating protest against Noda within the party.

Yukio Edano, 60, former head of the CDPJ, has already announced his candidacy for the leadership election. Current party head Kenta Izumi, 50, has also expressed his desire to run in the election.