200 Japanese Defense Personnel Facing Disciplinary Action Over Handling of Secrets, Unearned Perks

Yomiuri Shimbun file photo
The Defense Ministry in Shinjuku Ward, Tokyo

Disciplinary action will be taken against about 200 Maritime Self-Defense Force personnel over such conduct as handling defense secrets in an unlawful manner, it has been learned.

The Defense Ministry intends to implement the disciplinary action as early as this week.

MSDF personnel without authorization to access certain secrets were found to have entered combat information center (CIC) rooms on many surface combat ships while they were on watch duty. They unlawfully accessed such secrets as navigation information for ships that was displayed on computer screens in the CIC rooms.

In addition, some MSDF personnel who were assigned as divers unlawfully received perks for diving missions even though they did not actually enter the sea for missions.

According to government sources, the ministry investigated the issues and found that about 200 people, mainly in the MSDF, were involved in the misconduct.

The ministry intends to disclose details of the matter soon.