Oita: Wild Monkeys Stay Warm in Front of Heaters Installed at Monkey Garden

The Yomiuri Shimbun
Monkeys warm themselves in front of heaters at Takasakiyama Natural Zoological Garden in Oita.

OITA — Wild monkeys are warming up in front of heaters at Takasakiyama Natural Zoological Garden in Oita, letting visitors enjoy the charming sight of the animals.

The garden, known for feeding wild Japanese macaques, sets up three electric heaters in a corner of the feeding area in late December.

The sight of monkeys huddling together or grooming each other in front of the heaters to keep warm has been one of the winter features at the zoo for more than 30 years.

“On cold days, you can see many monkeys huddling together, forming a ‘monkey dango ball,’” a specialist at the garden said. “I hope people will come and see the animals warming themselves.”

The heaters will be installed through Feb. 28.