Hiroshima: Shogo Hamada Bus Stop Calls in Fans; Famed Bench Recreated into Popular Photo Spot

A fan poses like Shogo Hamada at a recreated bus stop associated with Hamada in Etajima, Hiroshima Prefecture.
16:27 JST, August 3, 2024
ETAJIMA, Hiroshima — Thanks to the enduring fame of a Japanese rock star, thousands of people continue to visit a bus stop where no bus ever stops. More than 2,500 visitors in six months have come to the stop on Etajima Island in Etajima, Hiroshima Prefecture.
Due to its connection with singer-songwriter Shogo Hamada, the bus stop has become a tourist spot. Hamada lived on the island for four years in his childhood, as his father, a police officer, was assigned there. Now at the age of 71, Hamada still boasts many fans.
The stop first drew attention when a photo of Hamada sitting cross-legged on a bench there, wearing sunglasses, was featured in his fan club newsletter in 1992. In 2012, the bus stop was decommissioned when the building for it was demolished. However, at the request of local residents, the bench and part of the building were moved to a library about 400 meters to the south. Fans haven’t stopped coming to see the bench since.
In December 2023, the city office recreated the bus stop as it appeared in the 1992 newsletter. In addition to the bus stop sign, windows and a wall with ads, the bench was also installed so fans can take pictures of themselves imitating Hamada in the newsletter.
In April, a shipping container was placed at the site at the cost of ¥1.2 million, and now displays valuable records and posters donated by fans. A city official said, “The community has been rejuvenated thanks to Hamada’s fans.”
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