SDF 70 yrs on — Expanding Roles / Japan’s Former Top Defense Officer Discusses Expansion of MSDF Roles; Group Evolved from Single-Function to Multi-Role Organization

The Yomiuri Shimbun
Katsutoshi Kawano

Katsutoshi Kawano, the Self-Defense Forces’ former chief of staff of the Joint Staff, told The Yomiuri Shimbun about the Maritime Self-Defense Force’s change from a single-function entity into a multi-role organization. The following is excerpted from the interview.

When the MSDF was established, the biggest threat was the Soviet Union’s submarines.

The MSDF started as a single-function entity equipped mainly with ships and submarines. Later, P3C patrol aircraft and anti-submarine helicopters were added, enabling the MSDF to detect submarines from the air.

The MSDF then introduced Aegis-equipped destroyers to deal with increasing areal threats, taking charge of defending against ballistic missiles. Japan also decided to possess counterattack capabilities [to hit enemy bases], realizing that the missile defense system alone could not handle all of the threats.

The MSDF has evolved into a multi-role entity in the past 70 years, adapting to changing threats.

The Diet previously viewed multilateral military exercises as problematic, with members pointing out that such exercises would take place under the premise of approving the right for collective self-defense. For example, when Japan participated in the Rim of Pacific (RIMPAC) drills, which were organized by the United States, Japan requested that exercises between Japan and the United States be kept separate from those between the United States and other countries, insisting that Japan did not take part in a multilateral exercise.

However, now, the MSDF conducts multilateral drills in the South China Sea. It seems to be the result of drastic changes in the political environment, as the security environment has become more severe with China strengthening its [military] power.

Issues facing the MSDF include securing enough sailors. The MSDF should create an environment in which sailors can communicate with family and partners while on board ships, as well as increase their pay. It is also necessary for the MSDF to increase the number of female members.