Japan Emperor, Empress Return Home after Indonesia Trip

The Yomiuri Shimbun
The Emperor and Empress arrived at Haneda Airport from Jakarta on Friday.

TOKYO, June 23 (Jiji Press) — Japanese Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako returned to Tokyo on a Japanese government airplane Friday night after a weeklong trip to Indonesia.

In a statement released through the Imperial Household Agency, the two said they felt the potential of the young generation to further deepen bilateral ties after meeting with Indonesian youths and young Japanese nationals living in the Southeast Asian nation.

Thanking Indonesian President Joko Widodo and his wife for their hospitality, the Imperial couple said that the trip allowed them to deepen their understanding of Indonesia’s history and diverse culture as well as see with their own eyes the bonds between the two countries.

Before leaving Indonesia, at the hotel where they stayed in Jakarta, the couple offered silent prayers for the victims of the fierce ground battle in Okinawa Prefecture, southernmost Japan, 78 years ago in the final phase of World War II. The battle is said to have ended on June 23, 1945.

The Emperor and Empress arrived in Jakarta on Saturday, starting their first overseas trip for promoting international goodwill since the Emperor’s enthronement in 2019. Visiting Indonesia as state guests, the couple met with the country’s president and first lady Monday.

After offering flowers at the Kalibata Heroes Cemetery in southern Jakarta on Tuesday, the couple interacted with local youths and others at a university and elsewhere.

On Wednesday, the Emperor visited Yogyakarta and attended a dinner party hosted by the special province’s governor.

He traveled back to Jakarta on Thursday after visiting Borobudur Temple, a UNESCO World Heritage site.