Emperor Emeritus to Visit Kyoto, Nara Prefs.

Yomiuri Shimbun file photo
The Imperial Palace

TOKYO (Jiji Press) — The Emperor Emeritus and Empress Emerita will visit Kyoto and Nara prefectures in May 14-18, the Imperial Household Agency said Monday.

The couple’s visit to the western Japan prefectures will mark their first trip outside Tokyo in four years, excluding their stays at an Imperial villa and elsewhere to prepare for moving out in line with the Imperial abdication in 2019.

The Emperor Emeritus and Empress Emerita will travel to the city of Kyoto on May 14. They are scheduled to view the Aoi Matsuri festival at the Kyoto Gyoen National Garden and visit Daishoji Temple on May 15.

The couple will travel to Nara on May 16, visiting Chuguji Temple in the town of Ikaruga and the Nara Prefecture Historical and Artistic Culture Complex in the city of Tenri on May 17. They will return home on May 18.