Japan Lawmakers to Create Group for Govt Probes into UFOs

Yomiuri Shimbun file photo
Shinjiro Koizumi

Tokyo (Jiji Press)—Japanese lawmakers met on Tuesday to create a nonpartisan group that will ask the government to establish an organization to investigate unidentified aerial phenomena, or UAP, also known as UFOs.

The lawmaker group will be chaired by Yasukazu Hamada, parliamentary affairs leader of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party. Former Environment Minister Shinjiro Koizumi, also from the LDP, will serve as secretary-general.

The group will hold its founding general meeting June 6 after Tuesday’s preparatory meeting, which was held in the Diet, Japan’s parliament.

The U.S. government has created a specialized organization in the Defense Department to probe UAP.

The lawmaker group will urge the government to gather and analyze information on UAP and pursue cooperation with Washington by forming a counterpart organization.

In its founding statement, the group said that if UAP, which have been witnessed many times over Japanese territory, are cutting-edge secret weapons or unmanned spy drones from other countries, they would present a major security threat to Japan.

The group is asking Diet members of all parties to join it.