Kishida Eyes Cabinet Decision on Defense Equipment Exports

The Yomiuri Shimbun
Prime Minister Fumio Kishida speaks at the House of Councillors Budget Committee meeting on Wednesday.

TOKYO (Jiji Press) — Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said Wednesday that any Japanese exports of internationally developed defense equipment to third countries will be subject to cabinet decision.

Such decisions by the cabinet will follow talks in the ruling coalition, Kishida told the House of Councillors Budget Committee.

Kishida’s Liberal Democratic Party and its coalition partner, Komeito, have been discussing whether to allow exports to third countries of a next-generation fighter jet that Japan will develop jointly with Britain and Italy.

The prime minister’s comments came after Makoto Nishida, a senior Komeito member in the upper house, sought to curb exports of internationally developed defense equipment to third countries. Kishida said such exports would be limited to the fighter jet for the time being.

Kishida said Japan will limit such exports to countries with which it has signed agreements on the transfer of defense equipment and technology, and it will not export to countries involved in conflicts.

“Through a rigorous decision-making process, Japan can clearly demonstrate its adherence to its basic philosophy as a peace-loving nation,” Kishida said.