Japan to Toughen Penalties for Aiding Foreigners’ Illegal Work

Yomiuri Shimbun file photo
Prime Minister’s Office

Tokyo (Jiji Press)—The Japanese government plans to toughen penalties for the crime of encouraging illegal work by foreigners, government sources told Jiji Press on Wednesday.

Harsher penalties of up to five years in prison or a fine of up to ¥5 million will be imposed on employers and brokers that make foreign nationals work illegally. Under the current law, offenders face up to three years in prison or a fine of up to ¥3 million.

The government plans to submit during the current parliamentary session a bill to replace the existing foreign technical intern system with a new system to train foreign workers.

While the existing system does not allow foreign trainees to switch their employers in principle, the new system will allow such a change under certain conditions.

With concerns rising that the new system may cause malicious brokers to make workers change employers, Japan hopes that the tougher penalties will help prevent such practices.