Japan Eyes Easing Travel Restrictions to Ukraine for People Involved in Reconstruction Projects

People sell objects at a city flea market in Kyiv on Sunday.

The government is considering easing travel restrictions to Ukraine for Japanese business representatives and others involved in reconstruction projects in the country, government sources have said.

The move is aimed at supporting public and private cooperation in the war-torn country as it makes efforts to rebuild.

The proposed easing of travel restrictions is expected to be the main topic of discussion at the Japan-Ukraine Conference for Promotion of Economic Reconstruction to be held for the first time in Tokyo on Monday.

Currently, the Foreign Ministry’s highest level warning on its four-stage scale is in place for all areas of Ukraine, and Japanese nationals are advised to evacuate from or refrain from traveling to the country.

The government is considering such proposals as allowing those involved in reconstruction projects to travel to Ukraine conditionally while maintaining its current travel alert level, similar to measures in place for travel to Iraq.