LDP’s Ishiba Seeks Diet Talks on Political Funds Law Revision

Yomiuri Shimbun file photo
The Liberal Democratic Party’s headquarters in Chiyoda Ward, Tokyo.

Tokyo (Jiji Press)—A senior Liberal Democratic Party lawmaker on Sunday called for talks at next year’s regular parliamentary session on amending the political funds control law, following a scandal over alleged slush funds related to fundraising parties at factions of the Japanese ruling party.

“We need to work on a revision of the law under the theme of political reform at the regular parliamentary session,” former LDP Secretary-General Shigeru Ishiba said on television.

The 2024 regular session of the Diet, Japan’s parliament, is set to start next month.

The LDP and related lawmakers should give explanations on the scandal without waiting for investigations by public prosecutors, Ishiba said.

“It may take time (to confirm facts),” he said, adding that submitting interim reports could be an option.