Japan Prime Minister Kishida Praises WTO Reform Mention in APEC Declaration

The Yomiuri Shimbun
Prime Minister Fumio Kishida speaks during a press conference in San Francisco on Friday.

SAN FRANCISCO — The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum ended with a leaders’ declaration that drew praise from Prime Minister Fumio Kishida for stating that APEC is “committed to necessary reform” of the World Trade Organization.

“The declaration explicitly called for the importance of the rule-based multilateral trading system, commitment to necessary reform of the WTO and cooperation on facilitating the flow of data,” Kishida said at a press conference in San Francisco on Friday after taking part in the discussions.

Kishida also welcomed the chair’s statement released by the United States.

“The statement mentioned the need to reach a just and lasting peace in Ukraine,” he said.

The prime minister expressed his intention that Japan will continue its sanctions against Russia and support for Ukraine.

On the sidelines of the APEC summit, Kishida met Chinese President Xi Jinping on Thursday and demanded that China lift its import ban on marine products from Japan.

Asked Friday when China will lift the ban, Kishida said, “I cannot tell about the timing at this stage.”

The prime minister added, “I want to urge China to make calm judgements based on scientific analysis and evidence, as well as to take a constructive stance.”