Okinawa Gov. Refuses to Approve Henoko Design Change

The Yomiuri Shimbun
Okinawa Governor Denny Tamaki

NAHA (Jiji Press) — Okinawa Gov. Denny Tamaki has refused to approve a design change related to a planned U.S. base relocation within the prefecture. In response to a lawsuit filed by Japanese land minister Tetsuo Saito last week to approve the design change on behalf of Tamaki, the Okinawa governor said Wednesday, “I cannot accept the purpose of the request.”

Explaining the reason for refusing to approve the design change, Tamaki told reporters at the prefectural government office in Naha, “I thought it was necessary to deeply accept the fact that the desire of people in Okinawa to live peacefully and quietly with a sense of security has been expressed in elections.”