Japanese, Australian Leaders Vow to Team Up on Decarbonization

REUTERS/File photos
From left, Japanese national flag, Australian national flag

Melbourne (Jiji Press)—Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and his Australian counterpart, Anthony Albanese, on Monday pledged their countries’ cooperation in promoting decarbonization in the Indo-Pacific region.

Japan is eager to work with Australia for decarbonization in Asia, Kishida said in a message sent to a meeting in Melbourne, southeastern Australia, of the Japan-Australia economic committee comprising commerce and industry officials.

In addition to bilateral cooperation, Japan and Australia will join hands to help Southeast Asian and Pacific island countries advance energy transition, he also said.

With China in mind, Kishida said Japan and Australia, as core members of like-minded countries, will work together to deal with economic coercion and strengthen supply chains.

His message was read by Japanese Ambassador to Australia Kazuhiro Suzuki.

In a video message sent to the meeting, Albanese said that Australia and Japan share a vision of an open, prosperous and safe indo-Pacific.

Decarbonization offers opportunities for dynamic economic cooperation and can create new energy industries, he added.