Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida Calls for Stronger Supply Chains Against Backdrop of Growing Chinese Hegemony

The Yomiuri Shimbun
Prime Minister Fumio Kishida speaks at the Prime Minister’s Office on Tuesday.

Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on Tuesday called for stronger economic cooperation between Japan and the United States, with a likely eye on China’s growing economic hegemony.

Speaking at the opening ceremony of a two-day business conference in Tokyo, Kishida stressed the importance of strengthening supply chains, among other related issues.

During the Japan-U.S. Business Conference held in Tokyo on Tuesday, the prime minister noted that both Japan and the United States are facing challenges due to a certain country’s unfair and opaque economic influences aimed at realizing that nation’s strategic interests.

In order to achieve sustainable economic growth in the Indo-Pacific region, Kishida emphasized the importance of preventing and avoiding economic coercion by establishing a supply chain that is not overly dependent on a particular country or region.

Touching upon the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTTP) — from which the United States withdrew in 2017 — Kishida said he hopes that Tokyo and Washington will continue to communicate and work together on economic order in the Indo-Pacific region

The prime minister also expressed a desire for the United States to return to the CPTTP.

The conference was held through Wednesday.