G7 Ministers to Craft Guidelines for AI Developers through Hiroshima Framework

The Yomiuri Shimbun
Internal Affairs and Communications Minister Takeaki Matsumoto attends a ministerial-level meeting for the Hiroshima AI Process in Tokyo on Thursday.

Ministers of Group of Seven countries agreed to establish international guidelines for developers of generative artificial intelligence at companies and other organizations at a meeting for the Hiroshima AI Process held online Thursday.

The Hiroshima AI Process is a framework where G7 countries discuss regulations for generative AI and other issues. At the ministerial-level meeting, the participants adopted a statement saying they will compile the guidelines, aiming to finalize them within the year.

The ministers agreed on the risks entailed by generative AI, such as the spread of disinformation and the violation of intellectual property rights, and the urgent need for a code of conduct for AI developers. They compiled an outline of guidelines to serve as a foundation.

The outline includes measures such as giving priority to research and investment for risk reduction, and developing systems that allow users to recognize texts and images created by AI, such as digital watermark technology.

To foster technology for detecting disinformation generated by AI, they agreed to promote research in cooperation with international organizations such as the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

Japan, this year’s G7 chair, plans to create guidelines not only for AI developers but also for service providers using AI and their users before the year’s end. Internal Affairs and Communications Minister Takeaki Matsumoto said at a press conference after the meeting, “Japan is ready to lead the world in this field.”

However, countries seems to have different views on the issue, with the United States focused on voluntary efforts by companies. “We are on the same page about reducing risks associated with AI and ensuring benefits for humanity,” Matsumoto said.