Kishida to Meet Fishery Group Chief over Fukushima Water Release

Yomiuri Shimbun file photo
Fumio Kishida

Fukushima, Aug. 20 (Jiji Press)—Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida signaled an intention Sunday to meet with fisheries industry leader Masanobu Sakamoto as early as Monday over the planned release of treated water from the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant into the ocean.

Kishida told reporters after a visit to the disaster-crippled nuclear plant in Fukushima Prefecture that the government needs to continuously work closely together the fisheries industry as the release of the treated water is a long-term effort.

“I myself want to directly talk about my government’s thoughts,” Kishida said of the planned meeting with Sakamoto, head of the National Federation of Fisheries Cooperative Associations, known as Zengyoren.

Kishida declined to discuss when the nuclear plant will start releasing the treated water. “I would refrain from making any comments at this point,” he said.