Kishida Orders Earlier My Number Card System Checks

The Yomiuri Shimbun
Prime Minister Fumio Kishida arrives at the Prime Minister’s Office in Tokyo on Friday.

Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has instructed relevant Cabinet ministers to complete a thorough inspection of My Number identification card systems and data earlier than scheduled.

Kishida ordered Friday that an interim report should be submitted by ministers in early August. He also revealed his plan to publicly announce measures that will help alleviate public concern.

When a task force to address problems with the My Number card system was launched by the government on June 21, it was also announced that a review of how personal information was linked to the ID card would be conducted by the end of July, and an interim report would be published at the end of August.

Kishida has decided to move the original schedule forward so he can allay the public’s fears by disseminating information quickly.

“We would like to proceed with through checks of the system as quickly as possible while working closely with the relevant ministries and agencies,” digital minister Taro Kono said at a press conference Friday.

Kono said that the error in linking personal information to the card does not affect the payment of benefits to the public. Dispelling people’s anxiety is a major prerequisite for the abolition of the current health insurance card, he said.