Japan’s New Law to Promote LGBT Understanding Takes Effect

REUTERS/Florion Goga
An LGBT rights activist waves the rainbow flag the Tirana Gay (P)Ride in Tirana, Albania May 13, 2018.

TOKYO June 23 (Jiji Press) — Japan’s new law aimed at promoting understanding of LGBT and other sexual minorities went into force on Friday.

The law warns against discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

The government established a section at the Cabinet Office in charge of the matter as the law obliges it to draw up a basic plan to expand public understanding of sexual diversity and report progress once a year.

The law also calls for efforts to ensure all people live with peace of mind in response to concerns that men may use women’s toilets by claiming to be women.

The new law is based on a bill prepared by a suprapartisan group of lawmakers in 2021. Parliament passed the bill after modifying some provisions to reflect concerns among conservative lawmakers cautious about such legislation.

However, conservative lawmakers are still critical of the law, while some sexual minorities are complaining that it would promote discrimination.