Police to End Investigation of Abe Shooting Suspect

The Yomiuri Shimbun
Tetsuya Yamagami

Tokyo, — Police in Nara Prefecture, western Japan, are seen wrapping up their investigation of the suspect in the fatal shooting of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe last July after sending additional cases on him to public prosecutors as early as next week, investigative sources told Jiji Press on Friday.

Tetsuya Yamagami, 42, has already been indicted on charges of murdering Abe and violating the swords and firearms control law.

He is expected to face additional charges of damaging a building, breaching the ordnance manufacturing law and violating the public offices election law.

According to the sources, Yamagami has told the police that he test-fired a handmade gun at a facility related to the religious group Unification Church early on July 7, the day before the shooting incident occurred. Apparent bullet holes have been found in a building where the facility was located.

The police have also confiscated several guns and gunpowder from Yamagami’s home. He is suspected of making guns and gunpowder without a permit.

On July 8, Yamagami allegedly fired a handmade gun at Abe twice at close range while the former prime minister was giving a stump speech in the city of Nara during the House of Councillors election campaign.

Yamagami was indicted last month after being placed under psychiatric evaluation for about five and a half months.