Memorable moments in Shinzo Abe’s public life

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Abe takes a bow after being nominated to become prime minister at a plenary session of the House of Representatives. After his return to the Prime Minister’s Office in December 2012, he focused on revitalizing the economy and put it back on track with economic policies that came to be known as Abenomics.

Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, 67, who was shot while giving a stump speech in Nara City for the House of Councillors election, passed away on Friday. Abe’s tenure as prime minister was the longest in history, and he demonstrated strong leadership in both internal and foreign affairs. We look back on his trajectory.

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Abe, third from left, accompanies then Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi on his visit to North Korea to sit in on the bilateral summit talks in September 2002.
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Then U.S. President Barack Obama visits Hiroshima in May 2016. Abe accompanied him and they offered flowers together.
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Abe, third from right, expresses joy at the moment Tokyo was chosen to host the 2020 Olympics at the International Olympic Committee General Assembly. In the spring of 2020, when the novel coronavirus crisis sparked debate about canceling the Olympics, he took the unprecedented step of postponing the Tokyo Games by one year.
From Prime Minister’s Office Twitter account
Then U.S. President Donald Trump visits Japan as the first state guest of the Reiwa era in May 2019. Abe had a close relationship with Trump, and Trump listened to Abe’s advice on how to deal with the North Korea problem and other issues.