Japan to Give ¥2.4 Billion in Grant Aid to Samoa

Pool photo / The Yomiuri Shimbun
Foreign Minister Yoko Kamikawa, left, shakes hands with Samoan Prime Minister Fiame Naomi Mata’afa in Apia on Saturday.

APA — Foreign Minister Yoko Kamikawa and Samoan Prime Minister Fiame Naomi Mata’afa agreed in Apia on Saturday for Japan to give up to ¥2.4 billion in grant aid to Samoa to improve the facilities of the nation’s national university.

Kamikawa exchanged notes with Fiame for the improvement of the National University of Samoa’s health science department to support the training of doctors and nurses in the South Pacific country. Samoa is faced with problems such as a shortage of human resources and aging facilities in the health and medical field.

Fiame expressed her gratitude for Japan’s support over the years, including the latest aid.

It marked the first time a Japanese foreign minister has visited Samoa.

During their meeting, Kamikawa and Fiame also confirmed their collaboration in preparation for the Pacific Islands Leaders Meeting (PALM) to be held in Tokyo mid-July.

“As the world is at a turning point in history, we would like to strengthen our relationship of trust,” Kamikawa said. Fiame expressed her expectation for the summit.

On Monday, Kamikawa will attend the ministerial meeting of the PALM in Fiji, her next destination.