Japan Govt Arranges Charter Flight for Japanese to Leave Israel

Yomiuri Shimbun file photo
Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno

Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno said Friday that the government has arranged for a chartered flight to evacuate Japanese citizens from Israel due to the worsening conflict in the Palestinian territory of Gaza.

The flight is scheduled to depart from Tel Aviv for Dubai on Saturday, Matsuno said at a press conference.

Airlines are currently limiting the number of commercial flights both into and out of Israeli airports. The government decided to make the arrangement for the charter flight after inquiring into the wishes of Japanese nationals residing in Israel.

“The situation there is extremely fluid,” Matsuno said, calling for those wish to leave the country to do so swiftly.

There is also a small number of Japanese living in the Gaza Strip. There have been no reports of deaths or casualties, Matsuno said.