Japan’s SDF Eying Use of U.S. Satellite Service, Govt Confirms

Yomiuri Shimbun file photo
Defense Minister Yasukazu Hamada speaks at a press conference at the Defense Ministry in April.

The Self-Defense Forces have since March been experimenting with use of Space X’s satellite-based high-speed communications network, Starlink, Defense Minister Yasukazu Hamada announced Tuesday at a press conference.

Hamada noted that the “threat to stable use of outer space has been increasing,” in light of China and Russia strengthening their satellite attack capabilities, and emphasized his intention to enhance the SDF’s communication capabilities u

sing civilian satellite networks.

Meanwhile, the Defense Ministry has decided to establish in July a new “cyber buildup division,” which will be tasked with cyber defense measures, within its Defense Buildup Planning Bureau. The position of counselor specializing in cyber

issues will also be created within the minister’s secretariat.

In response to a series of cyberattacks on the defense industry, the Acquisition, Technology & Logistics Agency will establish a new “equipment maintenance and management division” to instruct equipment suppliers on cyber countermeasures.