Japan, U.S. Conduct Joint Drill in Response to N. Korea’s ICBM Launch

Courtesy of the Defense Ministry Joint Staff Office
U.S. and Japanese fighter jets take part in a joint drill

A total of nine Japanese and U.S. fighter jets and U.S. bombers conducted a joint exercise over the Sea of Japan on Sunday, according to the Defense Ministry.

The two countries conducted the drill in response to North Korea’s launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile Saturday, with the aim of confirming readiness to deal with similar launches, while demonstrating their deterrent and response capabilities to Pyongyang.

Three Air Self-Defense Force F-15 fighter jets, four U.S. military F-16 fighter jets and two B-1B strategic bombers participated in the exercise.

Also Sunday, South Korea — employing state-of-the-art F-35A stealth fighter jets and other aircraft — joined the U.S. to conduct a joint exercise over South Korean airspace in another response to North Korea’s missile launch.

A comment released by South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff said South Korea and the United States had demonstrated their joint defense capabilities through the immediate deployment of the U.S. forces in the Korean Peninsula.