Japanese lawmakers hold security talks with Tsai in Taiwan

Courtesy of the Taiwan presidential office
Former Liberal Democratic Party Secretary General Shigeru Ishiba, left, talks with Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen, right, at the presidential office in Taipei on Thursday.

TAIPEI — A delegation of Japanese lawmakers including former Liberal Democratic Party Secretary General Shigeru Ishiba held talks with Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen in Taipei on Thursday.

Four members of a cross-party group examining Japanese security issues visited Taiwan for the meeting, during which they affirmed the need to cooperate in security for the stability of the Asia-Pacific region.

In the meeting, Ishiba said: “We need to think about what kind of situations could occur, and how we should operate forces based on treaties and laws. Without a common understanding about such matters, we can’t have deterrent power.” Ishiba also stressed that Japan and Taiwan should consider specific security measures.

Meanwhile, Tsai expressed her gratitude for the efforts of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who was fatally shot during an election campaign speech earlier this month.

Citing his remark that “if Taiwan has a problem, then Japan has a problem,” she said, “In addition to its major significance for regional security, that statement showed a deep concern for Taiwan issues.”

Tsai said she hoped Abe’s goals would be inherited by like-minded people.