Princess Aiko Visits Japanese Red Cross to Attend Job Orientation; Princess Set to Begin Working in April

Yomiuri Shimbun file photo
The Emperor, Empress and their daughter Princess Aiko visit an exhibition on the Great Kanto Earthquake, in Minato Ward, Tokyo, in October 2023.

Princess Aiko, the daughter of the Emperor and Empress, visited the headquarters of the Japanese Red Cross Society (JRCS) in Minato Ward, Tokyo, on Thursday.

The princess is set to start working as a contract employee at the organization’s headquarters in April. It was her first visit to the JRCS since the announcement of her accepting the job offer on Jan. 22.

As Princess Aiko, 22, a senior in Gakushuin University’s Faculty of Letters, arrived through the main gate of the JRCS at around 12:45 p.m., she gave a slight bow from the car to those who came to welcome her. She stayed for about five hours at the JRCS, most of which was spent at a job orientation.