Artisans Brave Cold River to Bring Out Colors of Indigo Carp Streamers in Gifu Prefecture’s Gujo Honzome Event

Yomiuri Shimbun photos
Artisans wash indigo-dyed carp streamers in the Kodara River in Gujo, Gifu Prefecture, on Saturday.

A traditional event was held for rinsing “Gujo Honzome” koinobori carp streamers in the Kodara River in Gujo, Gifu Prefecture on Saturday, the first day of “Daikan,” which is believed to be the coldest period of the classical Chinese calendar. Gujo Honzome is a traditional indigo dyeing technique. It is said that, when the paste used to outline designs is washed off in the clear stream, a rich and vivid texture is created.

Despite the unfortunate rainfall, artisans entered the river, where the water’s temperature was just 5 C, and carefully washed away paste using brushes and other tools. Another cold rinsing event will take place on Feb 4.