Japan Lower House Breakup Possible in Autumn: Komeito Exec

Yomiuri Shimbun file photo

Tokyo (Jiji Press)—A Japanese ruling bloc official in a television program broadcast Sunday suggested the possibility of the House of Representatives, the all-important lower chamber of parliament, being dissolved for a general election in autumn this year.

Noting that the ruling Liberal Democratic Party is expected to hold a leadership election in September, Keiichi Ishii, secretary-general of Komeito, the coalition partner of the LDP, said that public support rates could be high for the LDP president who would be chosen in the poll and that dissolving the Lower House in autumn, after the election, therefore “may be the likeliest option.”

In the TV program, which was recorded Wednesday, Ishii also said the possibility is “not zero” that the Lower House will be dissolved at the end of the current regular parliamentary session.

It depends on whether public support for the cabinet of Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, also LDP president, will rise back after the LDP comes up with measures to prevent a recurrence of the slush funds scandal now rocking the party, Ishii said.

The ongoing parliamentary session is currently scheduled to end on June 23.