Japanese Education Minister Survives No-Confidence Motion

Yomiuri Shimbun file photo
Education minister Masahito Moriyama at the Prime Minister’s Office on Feb. 16.

Tokyo (Jiji Press)—The House of Representatives, the lower chamber of Japan’s parliament, on Tuesday voted down a no-confidence motion against education minister Masahito Moriyama.

The leading opposition Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan submitted the motion Monday, claiming that Moriyama has not fulfilled his accountability over allegations that he received support from a group linked to the controversial religious organization Unification Church for the previous Lower House election in 2021. The CDP said Moriyama failed to give clear explanations in parliament over the matter.

At Tuesday’s plenary meeting of the Lower House, the motion was voted down by the ruling Liberal Democratic Party and its coalition partner, Komeito, as well as opposition Nippon Ishin no Kai (Japan Innovation Party).