Kishida Vows to Lead Global Efforts against Risks Posed by AI; Discusses Technology to Counter Disinformation at AI Safety Summit

Courtesy of the Cabinet Public Affairs Office / Jiji Press
Prime Minister Fumio Kishida attends virtually the AI Safety Summit on Thursday.

Prime Minister Fumio Kishida participated virtually in the AI Safety Summit held in Britain on Thursday, pledging to lead global efforts to counter the risks posed by generative artificial intelligence.

Kishida said Japan “wants to lead efforts to create international rules that would allow us to receive the benefits of reliable and advanced AI.”

The prime minister also expressed Tokyo’s intention to promote cooperation in the development and introduction of technologies that will help counter disinformation. He is believed to have in mind the use of digital watermarks to identify documents and images created by AI, as well as originator profiles, a digital technology that specifies the sender of information.