Kishida Wants My Number Inspection Finished by Nov.

Jiji Press
Digital Minister Taro Kono attends a press conference in Tokyo on Tuesday.

TOKYO (Jiji Press) — Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on Tuesday instructed his ministers to complete the inspection of individual data in the My Number personal identification system by the end of November, in principle.

He issued the instruction at a government meeting on an overhaul of the My Number system in response to issues such as information on some people being linked to others’ My Number cards, which can double as health insurance certificates.

The government decided to draw up guidelines next month to prevent human errors in My Number data registration.

Following a string of My Number-related issues, the government had asked local governments and health insurance societies to check whether there are any errors in the individual data that can be viewed on the Mynaportal online site for holders of My Number cards.

Speaking after the meeting, digital minister Taro Kono said that the government has discovered 1,069 new cases of wrong data registration for My Number cards doubling as health insurance certificates.