Sudanese in Japan to be Granted Special Visa Status Due to Instability Back Home

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Justice Minister Ken Saito speaks at a press conference in March.

The government will grant Sudanese in Japan a “designated activities” visa, a status that allows them to work in the country, out of consideration for political instability in the African country, Justice Minister Ken Saito said Friday.

Sudan has been rocked by clashes between the army and paramilitary forces since April. As of the end of May, about 400 Sudanese were staying in Japan.

If the designated activities visa is granted to Sudanese staying in the country as a student or a temporary visitor, they can extend their stay by one year and work even after their current status of residence expires.

Speaking at a press conference, Saito also said that the government will not repatriate Sudanese against their will even if they are subject to deportation.

Meanwhile, when it comes to Afghans who wish to remain in Japan after fleeing their home country due to the collapse of its democratic government, the justice minister said that 137 individuals have been granted refugee status this year.