LDP’s Seko calls for further improvement of Japan-Taiwan ties in Taipei

The Yomiuri Shimbun
Taiwan Premier Su Tseng-chang, right, and the Liberal Democratic Party’s Hiroshige Seko, left, are seen during a meeting at the Taiwan Executive Yuan building in Taipei on Monday.

TAIPEI — Liberal Democratic Party lawmaker Hiroshige Seko called for efforts to further improve Japan-Taiwan ties during a meeting in Taipei Monday with Su Tseng-chang, the premier of the Taiwan Executive Yuan.

“Japan and Taiwan have a relationship with common values. It’s necessary to further develop ties,” said Seko, who is secretary general for the LDP in the House of Councillors.

“Taiwan and Japan have close relations in terms of security,” Su said. “The two must work together hand-in-hand to protect regional prosperity and peace amid a situation in which authoritarian nations have been expanding their influence in the international community.”