Australia Says Chinese Naval Vessel ‘Dangerously’ Approaches Frigate in Japan’s EEZ, Crew Member Injured

Yomiuri Shimbun file photo
The Chinese flag

JAKARTA — The Australian Department of Defense announced on Saturday that a Chinese naval vessel dangerously approached an Australian frigate operating in Japan’s exclusive economic zone on Tuesday.

The department expressed serious concern to Beijing as a crew member of the Australian frigate suffered a minor injury.

According to the announcement, the Australian crew member was diving to remove entangled fishing nets when the Chinese vessel approached. It is believed the diver was injured by sound waves used by the Chinese vessel to detect the frigate.

The Australian side had told the Chinese vessel to stay away from the frigate while the crew member was under water. However, the Chinese vessel failed to stop and issued sound waves. According to Australian public broadcaster ABC, the crew member suffered an ear injury.