My Son is in His 50s and Wants to Quit His Job to Study Abroad

Dear Troubleshooter:

I’m a woman in my 80s. I would like to ask for advice about my son who is in his mid-50s.

My son has a wife and two children, one in college and one in junior high school.

Since starting at his company, he has wanted to work overseas. He has studied English and obtained management qualifications. He also tells the company’s president about his wish at the beginning of each year.

After one of his subordinates was promoted ahead of him, he said he wanted to hand in his letter of resignation and enroll in a graduate program abroad to carve out a future for himself.

As he is close to retirement age, I think it would not be too late to go abroad after retiring.

In my eyes, as his mother, my son has a wide circle of friends and an outgoing personality. However, his boss seems to think he is not capable.

As a parent, I don’t know whether I should agree or disagree with his wishes. Please give me your opinion.

— B, Hyogo Prefecture

Dear Ms. B:

When a person reaches their 50s, it is difficult for them to find a job that meets their expectations. Nevertheless, studying abroad is a very daring decision.

The cost of studying and living abroad is rising. Does he have a plan for his future?

Your son has two children — a college student and a junior high school student. I am concerned about whether he will take his family with him and how he plans to maintain his family life.

So I understand your concern.

However, your son is already an independent adult with a family. You can only advise your son and his wife to discuss retirement and the plan to study abroad.

In the end, you have no choice but to leave it up to them.

If he actually decides to study abroad, I advise you tell him to take proper responsibility for his own success or failure and not to cause trouble for his family.

All you can do is trust in your son’s abilities and watch over him.

From now on, please stop worrying about your son and aim for fulfillment in your own life. Enjoy each day in a relaxed manner. It is important to reboot your mind.

— Tomomi Fujiwara, writer