Saga: Thousands of Hina Dolls Cover City in Annual Early Spring Event; Traditional Crafts on Display

The Yomiuri Shimbun
Nabeshima Dantsu hand-woven carpets patterned with Hina Matsuri doll images at the Former Sansho Bank in Saga City

SAGA — The central part of Saga has been decorated with 5,000 dolls, including valuable ones handed down in the family of a feudal lord, as part of the Hina Matsuri doll festival.

The annual spring celebration is held at various venues. At the Chokokan Museum, hina dolls and other items handed down in the Nabeshima family — descended from lords of the Saga domain — are exhibited during the event.

The Yomiuri Shimbun
Dolls wearing kimono made of Saga Nishiki fabric are displayed at the Old Fukuda Residence.

Items made with traditional crafting techniques, including Saga Nishiki hand-woven fabric and Nabeshima Dantsu hand-woven carpets, are on display at the Saga City Cultural Museum. Since the museum consists of several historical buildings that are preserved and maintained by the city government, such as the Former Koga Bank, the Former Sansho Bank and the Old Fukuda Residence, people can enjoy strolling through the city and touring the exhibition venues.

At the Saga Castle History Museum, about 1,600 cute artworks made by elementary and junior high school students in the city are on display.

The event lasts until March 20 and some venues charge admission fees. The exhibition at the Saga Castle History Museum will last until Sunday.