Giant Wild Boar Caught in Japan’s Tottori Pref.; 130-kilogram Boar to Provide 400 Servings of Meat

The Yomiuri Shimbun
A giant boar captured in Kofu, Tottori Prefecture

TOTTORI — A giant male wild boar weighing 130 kilograms was captured on a mountain in Kofu, Tottori Prefecture. The boar measured 1.8 meters long with a 1.3-meter-girth and 400 servings of meat is expected to be harvested from it.

Boars typically weigh around 50 kilograms, and a 67-year-old hunter said, “It was so big that I thought it was a hippo.”

Five members of Okudaisen Gibier, a group that hunts deer and other game, caught the boar in a snare trap set on Saturday.

The meat will be aged in a refrigerator at a meat processing facility before being shipped. Another wild boar weighing over 200 kilograms was captured in 2022 on the same mountain.

“[The meat] is good for hot pots and other dishes,” said the group’s 75-year-old vice president.