U.S. Ambassador to Japan Emanuel Congratulates Ishiba; Emanuel Hopes to ‘Cultivate Even Closer U.S.-Japan Ties’

Yomiuri Shimbun file photo
U.S. Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel

U.S. Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel has expressed his congratulations to former Liberal Democratic Party Secretary General Shigeru Ishiba, who was elected as the party’s new president Friday.

“Looking forward to working with Japan’s new prime minister to strengthen the #USJapanAlliance and cultivate even closer [U.S.-Japan] ties,” Emanuel posted to X on Friday.

The LDP presidential election drew a high level of interest overseas.

A former senior U.S. government official close to the administration of U.S. President Joe Biden told The Yomiuri Shimbun that Washington will welcome Ishiba because of his understanding of the importance of the Japan-U.S. relationship. The former official also said the U.S. administration expects Ishiba’s strong public support will lead to his long tenure in the post.