Qatar’s first subway network shuttles soccer fans to stadiums across Doha

Takuya Matsumoto / The Yomiuri Shimbun
A section of the Doha Metro, developed in preparation for the World Cup, is seen on Nov. 10.

DOHA — The Doha Metro, an unmanned subway system developed in preparation for the 2022 World Cup, has been helping soccer fans travel around Qatar during the tournament.

Utilizing train cars manufactured by a Japanese company, Qatar’s first railway network links the center of Doha to the airport and stadiums via three lines with 37 stations.

The trains, which can hit a maximum speed of 100 kilometers per hour, run above ground on some sections of the 76-kilometer-long network, offering passengers panoramic views of the desert state.

During the tournament, the service is free of charge for passengers with official fan IDs, and trains are running until 3:00 a.m.