60 Potted Bonsai Stolen in Shikoku; Waves of Bonsai Thefts Reported Across Japan

Yomiuri Shimbun file photo
Stolen potted bonsai which were recovered by the police are seen in Aichi Pref. in July.

A total of 60 potted bonsai were stolen in July from the gardens of two bonsai growers in Takamatsu, Kagawa Prefecture, it has been learned. Prefectural police are investigating the theft. Takamtsu is well known for its pine tree bonsai.

According to the owner of one of the gardens, who lost 36 pine tree bonsai to theft, the trees were about 20 years old and each costs about ¥20,000. He said “Bonsai theft has been reported in the Kanto and Kyushu regions. It has finally reached our area.” Another owner said that the stolen trees were worth ¥2 million. “They had been passed down for generations and I had been taking care of them. I cannot forgive the thief.”

Bonsai theft has been reported across the nation recently, including in Saitama, Kanagawa and Aichi prefectures. The Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Ministry has urged bonsai growers to take theft prevention measures.