Fire Breaks Out at Center of Hot Spring Resort in Gifu Pref.; Guests at Nearby Inns Evacuated

The Yomiuri Shimbun
Firefighters work to extinguish the fire at the center of the Gero Onsen resort, Gifu Prefecture, on Sunday.

GIFU — A fire broke out Sunday at Gero Onsen, a hot spring resort area in Gifu Prefecture, causing guests from nearby inns to evacuate temporarily.

A report was made to the fire department around 1:50 a.m. Sunday. According to the Gero city fire department and other sources, the fire started at a restaurant and spread to surrounding buildings. There were no injuries in the fire.

The site of the fire was the center of Gero Onsen resort, an area crowded with ryokan, Japanese-style inns and restaurants.